Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I had the most fun shoot last Saturday! 

I had a friend, Camila, get in touch with me. 
She was going to get this girl all glammed up and needed a photographer. 

She picked me! 

Here are a few shots from the shoot. We took a lot and I loved every minute! 

My friend also brought her camera. I loved bouncing ideas off her and I think we came up with some really great stuff. 

Fixing the hair for outfit number 2! I loved that Camila's hands kept catching the light of the setting sun!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lauren and Ben

My husband's little sister is getting married! It's been so fun to talk with her about wedding plans and now take some of their engagement pictures. 

It got dark in the canyon a lot faster than I thought it would, so we didn't get as many pictures as I expected, but you can tell by how cute they are that its not hard to get good ones of them! 

We postponed the end of our shoot and we're going to find a day for more pictures. 

Here's a few of the ones we did get, just a little teaser!

Monday, February 13, 2012


I hope you're all just as excited as I am about Doug doing video now. He has really found a passion for it. This is a clip from his first project. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adding Video!

Hey everyone, I am officially in business with my husband! He has become interested in video editing over the past year and has recently started working on shooting different events and getting the videos put together.

So, as of today, we offer photography and videography for all of your events and special moments.

We would love for you to contact us with any questions about timing or pricing.


Doug and Jessica Hendriksen

** keep an eye out for a post with some of his fabulous work!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Revisited #2 - Reception

I loved taking pictures at the temple, but this reception was so much fun!!

Revisited #1 - Temple

Wow, as I was just looking through my old posts I realized I only posted a teaser of the wedding! I can't believe it! Here are a few more! I had so much fun that day, its been fun to go through the pictures again!